Jul 14, 2012

Lara and Ted's Wedding

Lara and Ted met while working together in the admissions department at Kalamazoo College. They quickly hit it off and before you knew it, they were engaged to be married. After looking around at a few different venues in Mid-Michigan, the two decided that there was no better place for them to get married than at Kalamazoo's beautiful chapel. The two make a great couple with a great sense of humor. Lara made their cake topper, which included the likeness of herself, a Batman-clad Ted, and their dog, Root Beer (which is totally awesome). I was glad they let me play a part in their special day together.

The First Look

Pictures Before the Ceremony

Lara and her Girls
Lara and Ted had a beautiful ceremony

The new "Mr. and Mrs."

Lara and Ted had the great idea of having disposable cameras at each table. What a clever way to capture the fun that everyone had at the reception!
Cake Time!

Lara and Ted getting their groove on. That man with the hat could sing too!

Location: Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, Michigan